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Designing A Weight Management Program For Life

The Calorie Sensitive Program
If the results of the questionnaire have indicated that you are likely calorie sensitive, this is the program that you will want to follow.

Begin by cutting down on the number of calories you consume every day. A good starting point would be to reduce the number of calories ingested by about 30%, or one meal per day, assuming you are accustomed to eating three meals per day. If not, you will have to make adjustments accordingly.

Pick the meal that you enjoy the least or have the least time for. Replace this meal with a protein drink made according to the directions. The best taste may be obtained by thoroughly mixing the powder along with water and crushed ice. The ice improves both taste and consistency. Fruit may be added for variety such as bananas, strawberries, blackberries, blueberries or peaches.

The remaining meals should be consumed as always. It is important that you NOT increase the calories you consume at your regular meals! Try eating healthy-lots of fresh fruits, vegetables, meats and fiber. Try to stay off pre-packaged snack foods and junk food! Also we strongly suggest supplementing daily with one of Eagle's Full Spectrum Formulas such as Total Toddy or Ultra Body Toddy.

In addition take the Slim Slim Accelerator capsules. (one capsule three times per day.)

You should expect a slow steady weight loss of about 2 to 6 lbs per month, providing that you have reduced your calories by one third.

The Carbohydrate Intolerant Program
If your answers to the questionnaire have indicated that you are likely carbohydrate sensitive, you need to follow this program. The advantage to a low carbohydrate program is that you need never be hungry. While you may have more weight to lose than your calorie sensitive counterparts, since you will be counting carbohydrates and not calories you may eat almost as much of certain foods as you like, avoiding those foods which contain carbohydrates and subsequently evoke an insulin response.

Meal Replacement: If you are between 20 and 30 lbs overweight you will need to replace one of your meals each day with the Slim-Slim Metabolic Fuel protein shake, either chocolate or vanilla. If you are more than 30 lbs overweight you will need to replace two of your three meals with shakes. If you are a true carbohydrate intolerant, you will likely not feel like eating in the morning but will have a steadily increasing appetite as the day progresses into evening. This being the case use your meal shakes for breakfast and your mid-day meal, reserving your regular meal for the evening. It is important not to skip meals. As a carbohydrate intolerant the more meals you skip during the day the slower your metabolism will become!

Planning your whole food meals: In addition to the one or two meals consisting of the protein shake you will need to eat at least ONE meal of whole foods daily. This meal may consist of almost any quantity of food from the calorie point of view but you must count and restrict carbohydrates.

Carbohydrate Restriction: The goal on this program is to reduce your carbohydrate intake to below your glucose response. In other words, if you convert glucose to triglycerides (body fat) above 60 grams of carbohydrate per day, your goal should be to ingest no more than 40 grams daily. If your threshold is 150 grams per day you should be consuming 100 grams. By creating this deficit your body will be forced to burn fat for energy as opposed to glucose. Guess where the fat will come from to fuel your energy needs? Your own body fat!

Use of a Full Spectrum Supplement: Because the protein shakes do not contain all the added vitamins and minerals that are needed for optimal health, you need to supplement daily with one of Eagle's Full Spectrum formulas such as Total Toddy or Ultra Body Toddy.

Beginning the Program: To begin, it is helpful to rid your body of excess carbohydrate. The best way to do this by restricting your carbohydrate intake to less than 20 grams per day for the first week. After this your carbohydrates should be increased to between 40 and 50 grams per day. It is helpful to obtain a calorie/carbohydrate counter. One of the best is entitled Calories and Carbohydrates, by Barbara Krause. This will give the carbohydrate grams for virtually every food you might eat. Keep in mind that your protein shake contains about 2 grams of carbohydrates per serving - negligible. That means your whole food meal may provide as many as 36 to 46 carbohydrate grams.

To increase the fat burning abilities of your body, take the capsules along with the rest of your program. If you have 20 to 30 lbs to lose start out with 1 capsule three times per day. If you have more than 30 lbs to lose or if your metabolism is exceptionally slow take two capsules three times per day for the first 60 to 90 days.

With your whole foods meal be sure to choose wholesome foods such as high quality proteins as may be found in meats, fish and fowl. Be sure and eat fresh or steamed vegetables daily as well. See the recipe section for helpful suggestions.

Even More Help -
Understanding the Mind/Body Connection
Of all the emotional factors that might be related to being overweight, the self esteem issue is probably the most powerful. When you carry excess weight, especially if you are female, the self esteem is lowered and replaced by a feeling of self consciousness. Perhaps you have tried dieting only to fail or succeed and ultimately gain the weight back again.

In order to briefly understand how this mechanism of attitude affects eating habits, we must turn back the clock to an earlier time in our lives. At some point, usually in our childhood, we learned that if we were good we got a sweet treat, but if we were bad we got sent to bed with no dinner. Food quickly became a reward, something that meant 'happy times'. A lack of food meant punishment, poverty and other negative periods. Consequently as we grew into adults and had to face the many problems that life contains, whenever we wanted to 'feel good' we went out to eat and had a big satisfying meal. Or we 'treated' ourselves to a chocolate ice cream sundae - or what ever was our personal 'feel good button'. As life presented more and more obstacles we ate more and more, trying to 'feel good' again.

If you happen to be calorie or, worse yet, carbohydrate sensitive, these excess calories and carbohydrates went directly to the fat cells and now your 20, 30 or more pounds overweight. This, in turn makes you self conscious and insecure. In order to cope with those feelings of inadequacy it's a natural tendency to eat more!

In order to break this cycle of eat - feel guilty - diet - starve - lose weight - eat and re-gain weight, you must learn to re-program our reward system. Finding other ways to say 'I'm ok' will not only help to normalize your weight but free you from many emotional barriers that have been built around you during the course of living. You need to come to a place where you can and do love yourself and your body more than the ice cream sundae or the chocolate cake or the big plate of pasta. Food is but a momentary fix, the price for which you must pay in long term weight gain and further damage to your vital self esteem. Managing and changing these habits take time but there are short cuts to this end. Ask about programs being offered through Proven Results, Inc. that can help you gain greater control over many facets of your life. The tools are there. Use them!

Recipes For Healthy Eating -
No More Boring Meals
When we contemplate going on a diet one of the first things that comes to mind is boring meals with celery sticks, salads with no dressings and entree's with no flavor. No wonder people don't stay on a diet!

Dieting does not have to consist of boring, dull or tasteless meals. If you are calorie sensitive you can eat the same basic diet as before with an emphasis on reducing fat intake, since fat has more than twice as many calories as any other food. This along with an overall reduction of about 30% of your daily calories and you should be home free. This reduction may be achieved by replacing one of your meals with the protein shake provided with your diet program.

If you are carbohydrate sensitive, you don't have to count calories or, within reason, fat grams. You must however count carbohydrate grams. As outlined in the section for carbohydrate sensitivities , you will be replacing one or possibly two meals per day with the protein shake included with this program. The one or two whole food meals you eat daily must be selected from low to very low carbohydrate foods. These foods include all protein foods such as meats, fowl, cheese, and seafood. In addition you need to ensure that you are getting adequate fresh vegetables as well. A list of some wholesome vegetables you may choose from follows. If you are carbohydrate sensitive you must be careful with many fruits as they are high in fructose sugar. A list of acceptable fruits also follows.

Vegetable Choices for Carbohydrate Sensitivities Lettuce (all varieties) Cabbage
Celery Spinach
Broccoli Eggplant
Radishes Cucumbers
Mushrooms String Beans
Cauliflower Zucchini squash

Fruit Choice for Carbohydrate Sensitives (Must be limited to one cup serving per day) Watermelon Strawberries
Blackberries Raspberries

Many delicious meat and seafood based appetizers can be prepared if you wish to entertain guests. This will allow you to partake in every course while keeping your carbohydrate grams under control. Soups are also no problem. Make a vegetable and meat based soup, just remember not to add starch as a thickener and leave starchy vegetables such as potatoes and pasta out. Cream soups are also acceptable.

Main courses are also no problem. You can serve a meat, fish or fowl entree, combined with a steamed vegetable or a garden salad from the vegetables listed above. Feel free to liven them up with lemon pepper or other seasonings as desired.

What about desert? The big question, how can you enjoy an occasional sweet tasting dessert and not abuse your carbohydrates? While this is certainly more difficult, there are some desserts, especially if you make them yourself and know exactly what is in them, that you can enjoy. Since the dessert category always seems to be the most challenging, we have included a few recipes and suggestions that are favorites of the author for your consideration.

Low Calorie Jell-O

Make a low cal Jell-O per instructions
You can vary by adding homemade whipping cream (not the sugar filled variety from a can)
You can also add a variety of nuts and even strawberries

Fresh Strawberries with Fresh Cream

An old English favorite, fresh cut strawberries with thick fresh cream and a little artificial sweetener makes an excellent desert that satisfies the sweet tooth and makes a refreshing warm weather treat.

For a complete book of low carbohydrate recipes, we suggest that you refer to the book Dr Atkin's Diet Revolution Cook Book, available in book stores and libraries.


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